Friday, January 22, 2010

MIDLAND WR300 Weather Radio

Buy Cheap MIDLAND WR300 Weather Radio

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Technical Details

- Receives All NOAA Weather Channels
- S.A.M.E. Technology
- AM/FM Radio with Clock and Alarm
- Memory system for 30 Counties
- Ability to Add & Remove Alerts
See more technical details
Customer Buzz
 "Weather Radio = Peace Of Mind" 2010-01-09
By J. Skram (Iowa)
Living in the Midwest, I'm surprised I hadn't bought a weather radio years ago. I purchased the WR300 primarily for tornado season but have been pleasantly surprised with it's effectiveness during the winter. When you are ready to program it, sit down with the directions and give yourself a few minutes. The Midland has many weather alerts and you'll need to decide which alerts don't apply to where you live (i.e. Hurricane Watch) or alerts you just don't want waking you up at 3:00 AM (i.e. High Wind Watch). You can program it to alert you for all counties within radio range of the National Weather Service or just the county you live in. I also like that I can press the Weather Hazard Button and hear the current weather conditions and the forecast for the next few days. The WR300 works well and gives me peace of mind.

Customer Buzz
 "Sort of Great Product if this were the 60s or 70s; Not So Responsible Company" 2010-01-02
By W. Albert (Florida USA)
Living in Florida we have multiple perils.. hurricane, flood, tornado... this weather radio purchased less than 2 years ago put my family more at easy - we slept better at night. We also researched it thoroughly and thought we were purchasing the gold-standard of weather alert products and it was important as our county (Charlotte) does not have a public weather siren warning system (but that's another story of irresponsibility). This radio was fine for a while and a few weeks ago we stopped getting the weather testing signal from it and could not get weather news or alerts - according to other users on news groups it is "defunct". Why will it still get FM radio yet not alerts from the regional NWS? Well one would think a responsible company would repair these while still relatively new at cost say of postage both ways... but no, they want you to purchase a new one (or rebuilt one at new Amazon discounted retail price) every couple years evidently. Well they are probably not aware that many of us have been struck by another "natural disaster" called the "Great Recession" and it is not possible to replace equipment with built-in-obsolescence every two years as it might have been prior to 2008 so my family now will have to go without due to another in the increasing list of greedy, irresponsible companies that care more for a few points added to their bottom line than civic responsibility. When I can re-purchase, I will seek out another brand of emergency weather alert radios, but NOT a Midland thank you please. BTW, the top of the line Midland is somewhat designed in its set up and feature control like a product out of the 60s or 70s not the 2000s - so they are not evidently putting any R&D into this antique cash cow.

Customer Buzz
 "It's a great WEATHER radio, not a great CLOCK radio." 2009-12-20
By C. Hayman (Maryland)
I purchased this as a gift for an elderly aunt, thinking she would have a clock radio with the NOAA weather on it. This radio has all the bells and whistles, but the size of the time on the face of the radio is tiny. Anyone wanting to know about a weather emergency will see very large print; anyone wanting the time needs to wear glasses to bed to read in the middle of the night. For this reason I returned the radio.

Customer Buzz
 "Satisfied" 2009-11-30
By Robert E. Tanner
Found that it is all that it was advertised to be. Very satisfied at this point. Haven't had a weather warning in my area since my purchase, so don't know if that automatic feature will function properly, but all the rest of the functions work, so am sure this feature also will.

Customer Buzz
 "Its OK" 2009-11-22
By M. Butler (Chicago, IL)
It might be operator error, but I still cant get the specific county alerts to work right on this thing. Just when I think its set up right, we get a severe thunderstorm box over my area (verified from the weather channel) and this thing will just sit right thru it, without warning me at all. Not using it like I thought I would, pretty much have given up on it........

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Buy MIDLAND WR300 Weather Radio Now

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